My life as a retired show dog and now-retired reading therapy dog but all around good boy.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Amigo reads to Russell

Amigo reads his AutoDography to Russell:

Friday, August 20, 2010

Second place and a happy DQ

I got second place in my rally novice A group this morning, with an all-time personal best score of 87, even through I sat backwards in one spot causing a lot of people to laugh. Young Russell didn't do so well, getting asked to leave the ring at the second station because the nice judge told his guy that she could tell he Russell really didn't want to be there. The optimists outside the ring said it was still a victory, simply because the sometimes shy Russell at least got inside the buiding.

Plus, we both won cool neckerchiefs marking the Spinone Club of America 2010 Rocky Mountain Speciality event. Here's Russell, still proud hours later for winning something, modeling his bandana.

Rally day

Big day in Westley the Spinone dog world today: Son Russell will be competing in his first-ever official AKC event: rally. It's a regional spinone speciality today, and Russell and I are both taking part in the rally event. Woof! Woof!

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Episode 7: In which we eat the neighbor's apples