Boy I do love the snow
I truely do. When I walk in it, little balls of snow form on the hair around my feet and inside my feet pads. Then I get to eat it later, when I get back in the house. Yum!
My life as a retired show dog and now-retired reading therapy dog but all around good boy.
I truely do. When I walk in it, little balls of snow form on the hair around my feet and inside my feet pads. Then I get to eat it later, when I get back in the house. Yum!
There's a new dog store in town, called Petco, not to be confused with the old dog store in town, called Petsmart. Kristen took me to the new dog store today, and when we were leaving the nice lady at the counter asked Kristen if I could have a cookie, and of course, Kristen being so nice, said sure I could. And then -- woof woof woof --- the nice lady gave me an Oreo cookie, one of those two black wafers surrounding some white crème and wow! was that tasty. Kristen got mad because she assumed the nice lady would be giving me a dog cookie, which they give me at Petsmart if I bark nice and loud, but no! -- it was human cookie. Full of sugar. I got my teeth brushed when we go home, which I like too.
So I got my official AKC authorized gold-seal embossed Canine Good Citizen certificate in the mail today. Woof woof!