My life as a retired show dog and now-retired reading therapy dog but all around good boy.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Field Day

Woof! Woof woof and wow wow and wow! What a great day! Reade, Kristen & I went in the car today, and when we stopped THERE WERE RICO AND VINNIE! Outside! On open prarie land. By a lake. No fancy leads or having to be on best no-playing behavior. I couldn’t believe it. Little Winston was there too, he’s just four months old, so it was a four Spinone party!

The big guys had been there before, and we all spent hours -- really, two whole hours -- running and running and running and smelling great smells and getting in the smelly water. Vinnie & Rico went way far out in the lake to get a “bumper” for their Kimber, but Winston & I thought it was more fun staying closer to the shore. I LOVE RICO! He is SO cool. He knows EVERYTHING, and let me follow him everywhere.

Then, things got really exciting when the Jeff, who belongs to Rico and Vinnie, took us to meet BIRDS. These were louder than the ones I’ve caught in my yard, and they were on a leash. Our people were really proud of me and Winston for noticing the birds and wanting to find them. Of course we did - it’s what we do! I heard our people talking about ‘working a field’ and pointing and whistles … all I know is this was FUN!

Then it was time to go back to the cars, and the people noticed that Vinnie had something called a “Tick.” It must be a good thing, because it made the people give Vinnie lots of petting and neck rubs. I hope I get one next time. Woof. I was so tired when we got home that I fell asleep while I was getting my hair dried after my bath. I love Rico.

I must go back to sleep now. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.


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